Design Decisions

This is not the first effect library. There are many cool libraries out there with different target groups and different philosophies. The key motivation behind Effekt is to bring Koka-like algebraic effects with handlers to the Scala language. In consequence many design decisions are influenced by Koka.

The design decisions behind Effekt are described in a bit more detail in this paper.

Shallowly Embedded Effects

Other libraries (like Eff) use free monads to represent effectful operations and define interpreters for the free monad to implement handling of the effect.

In Effekt effect signatures are shallowly embedded. That is, instead of creating an instance of a Flip() class to represent the action of flipping a coin and later interpreting it, in Effekt the flip operation is immediately called on the corresponding handler:

def prog(implicit amb: Use[Amb]): Control[Int] =
  amb.flip() map { x => if (x) 2 else 3 }

(ATTENTION: The above code is a slight simplification, only for illustrative purposes. For real code see Your First Effect)

As can be seen above, Effekt uses implicit arguments to pass down handler implementations to the use-site (flip).

This works even more nicely in Dotty, where implicit function types are available:

type using[A, E <: Eff] = implicit Use[E] => Control[A]
def prog: Int using Amb = Amb.flip() map { x => if (x) 2 else 3 }

Pretty neat, isn’t it?

We prepared this Scastie for you to play around with dotty and effekt.

Delimited Control

As in the Koka language, effect handlers in Effekt get access to the operation’s continuation delimited by the handler itself:

object ambList extends Amb {
  def flip[R]() = use { resume => resume(true) }

The continuation may be called zero to arbitrary many times. To implement this functionality, Effekt is based on a specialized variant of the CC-monad as introduced in

A Monadic Framework for Delimited Continuations by R. Kent Dybvig, Simon Peyton Jones and Amr Sabry (2007), PDF

In Effekt the control-monad is called Control, no surprise there.