ANF Transformation using Algebraic Effects

ANF (or A-normal-form) is a program representation very commonly used in compilers. The basic idea is, that all non-trivial terms (in a very wide sense, those that correspond to computation, or invoke side-effects) are bound to variables. For example, translating

1 - ((3 - 2) - 4)

to ANF gives

var x0 = 3 - 2
var x1 = x0 - 4
var x2 = 1 - x1

ANF transformations can be implemented using continuation passing style, as demonstrated by Matt Might.

In this short guide, we will see how algebraic effects can be used to describe an ANF transformation for a very simple expression language.

trait Exp
case class Lit(n: Int) extends Exp
case class Sub(l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp
case class Var(name: String) extends Exp
case class Let(name: String, value: Exp, body: Exp) extends Exp

The language features numeric literals, subtraction, let-bindings and variables. The above example in our small language reads as:

val ex = Sub(Lit(1), Sub(Sub(Lit(3), Lit(2)), Lit(4)))

To implement the transformation we define a Transform effect that we use to mark elements of our language as either values or computations:

import effekt._
trait Transform {
  def value(e: Exp): Control[Exp]
  def computation(e: Exp): Control[Exp]

We also define a recursive traversal function that uses Transform to visit each node in our tree:

def visit(e: Exp)(implicit t: Transform): Control[Exp] = e match {

    case v : Var => t.value(v)
    case l : Lit => t.value(l)

    case Let(name, v, b) => for {
      vv <- visit(v)
      bv <- visit(b)
      e  <- t.value(Let(name, vv, bv))
    } yield e

    case Sub(l, r) => for {
      lv  <- visit(l)
      rv  <- visit(r)
      e <- t.computation(Sub(lv, rv))
    } yield e

This traversal marks variables and literals as values, traverses the subcomponents of Let and Sub and finally marks let bindings as values and subtraction as computation.

Intermezzo: Generating fresh names

To define our ANF transformation we need to come up with fresh names such as x1, x2 above. Generating fresh variable names / symbols can be seen as an effect, so we define another effect signature for SymGen:

trait SymGen {
  def fresh(): Control[String]

A handler for fresh can be implemented using stateful-handlers, as provided by effekt:

class SymState[R] extends SymGen with Handler[R] with State {
  val count = Field(0)
  private def inc = for {
    x <- count.value
    _ <- count.value = x + 1
  } yield x

  def fresh() = inc map { "x" + _ }

Defining an ANF handler for Transform

With the ability to generate fresh names, we are now ready to define an ANF transformation as a handler for Transform:

class ANF(implicit sym: SymGen) extends Transform with Handler[Exp] {
  def value(e: Exp) = use { resume => resume(e) }
  def computation(e: Exp) = use { resume => for {
    x <- sym.fresh()
    body <- resume(Var(x))
  } yield Let(x, e, body) }
def ANF(prog: Transform => Control[Exp])(implicit sym: SymGen): Control[Exp] =
    (new ANF).apply(prog)

Note that this handler itself is effectful and uses the SymGen effect. To do so, it requires a capability as constructor argument. We only need the Basic handler here and discard the handler state (hence the _). For values, we just resume with the expression unchanged. However, for computations we generate a fresh name, build the corresponding tree using the freshly generated variable and wrap it finally in a let-binding. It is important to note that this let-binding will be introduced at the point where the ANF handler is used.

Finally the anf-transformation can be defined in terms of the SymState handler and the ANF handler:

def anfTransform(e: Exp): Control[Exp] = new SymState handle { implicit sym: SymGen =>
  new ANF handle { implicit anf: Transform => visit(e) }

Calling anfTransform on our running example, we obtain:

run { anfTransform(ex) }
// res2: Exp = Let(
//   "x0",
//   Sub(Lit(3), Lit(2)),
//   Let(
//     "x1",
//     Sub(Var("x0"), Lit(4)),
//     Let("x2", Sub(Lit(1), Var("x1")), Var("x2"))
//   )
// )

which exactly corresponds to our manual translation from above.