Combining Multiple Effects with Handlers

After having defined a single effect in Getting Started, this quick tutorial shows how multiple, different effects can be defined and handled in Effekt.

Again, we prepared Scasties to follow along with this tutorial.

Defining a second effect

In Getting Started we have defined ambiguity as our first effect. The ambiguity effect signature had one effect operation and looked like this:

import effekt._

trait Amb {
  def flip(): Control[Boolean]
def ambList[R](prog: Amb => Control[R]): Control[List[R]] =
  new Handler[List[R]] with Amb {
    def flip() = use { resume => for {
      ts <- resume(true)
      fs <- resume(false)
    } yield ts ++ fs }
  } handle { amb => prog(amb) map { r => List(r) } }

We also defined a handler for the ambiguity effect as an implementation of the Amb trait, called ambList. To see how to combine two different effects, we will now first define a second (quite standard) effect: Mutable state. As before we start with the effect signature.

trait State[S] {
  def get(): Control[S]
  def put(s: S): Control[Unit]

Having defined the effect signature, we can implement a handler that, like the state monad, does not actually use mutable state but passes the current value around through the whole program.

def state[R, S](init: S)(prog: State[S] => Control[R]): Control[R] =
  new Handler[S => Control[R]] with State[S] {
    def put(s: S) = use { resume => pure { s2 => resume(()) flatMap { _ apply s } } }
    def get()     = use { resume => pure { s2 => resume(s2) flatMap { _ apply s2 } } }
  } handle { state => prog(state) map { r => s => pure(r) } } flatMap { _ apply init }

Using Amb and State in one example

Let us now use the two effects to write a program that combines them.

def example(implicit s: State[Int], amb: Amb): Control[Int] = for {
  x <- s.get()
  b <- amb.flip()
  _ <- if (b) s.put(x + 1) else pure(())
  y <- s.get()
} yield (x + y)

The example program requires capabilities for both effects, a state effect carrying an integer and the ambiguity effect. We first retreive the current state, then toss a coin and depending on result mutate the state (or not).

As you can see, there is nothing special to using more than one effect. The use of effects naturally composes.

Handling the two effects

As with monad transformers, we have two different ways of handling the two effects. Should we first handle away the ambiguity effect and then consider state, or the other way around? The nice thing with algebraic effects and handlers is that we can decide very late.

Let’s experiment with the two options:

val result1: Control[List[Int]] = ambList { implicit a: Amb =>
  state(0) { implicit s: State[Int] =>
// res0: List[Int] = List(1, 0)

In this variant, we first handle away the state effect and then handle ambiguity. The ambiguity handler invokes the continuation twice, once with true and once with false. Since the state handler is nested in the ambiguity handler, it will be reset for the second invocation with false and thus the second element in the resulting list is 0.

Commuting the two handlers, we get different results:

val result2 = state(0) { implicit s: State[Int] =>
  ambList { implicit a: Amb =>
// res1: List[Int] = List(1, 1)

Now, ambiguity is run inside of state and the change of state carries over to the second coin flipping result.