Pipes: Connecting Producers and Consumers
In this quick guide, we’ll re-implement the piping example from the
paper “Handlers in Action”
by Ohad Kammar and colleagues.
In particular, we are interested in treating sending and receiving of
information as effects.
For simplicity, we’ll restrict ourselves to the case where the sent
information is of type Int
First of all, let’s define the effect signatures for sending and receiving of information:
import effekt._
trait Send {
def send(n: Int): Control[Unit]
trait Receive {
def receive(): Control[Int]
Now, using these effect signatures we can define an example producer and a corresponding example consumer:
def producer(s: Send): Control[Unit] =
for {
_ <- s.send(1)
_ <- s.send(2)
_ <- s.send(3)
} yield ()
def consumer(r: Receive): Control[Unit] =
for {
x1 <- r.receive()
_ = println("1: " + x1)
x2 <- r.receive()
_ = println("2: " + x2)
x3 <- r.receive()
_ = println("3: " + x3)
} yield ()
What is missing, is a way to connect the two in order to form a pipe. The core insight to achieve this the following: The two ends of a pipe are connected by holding a reference to the opposite end as part of their internal state. After performing an action, such as sending or receiving data, the current process is paused and the state of the opposite process is updated with the current continuation.
Now let’s implement this behavior in Effekt. To this end, we define processes as handlers and use the state of the handler to store the opposite end:
class Process[R, P[_]](val init: P[Control[R]]) extends Handler.Stateful[R, P[Control[R]]]
In our case, the type constructor P[_]
will be one of the following:
object Process {
case class Prod[R](apply: Unit => Cons[R] => R)
case class Cons[R](apply: Int => Prod[R] => R)
import Process._
Note that each process holds a continuation which takes the resulting
value as first argument and the updated opposite process as state
(second argument) to finally compute an R
. As can be seen in the
definition of Process
above, the R
will eventually be instantiated
as Control[R0]
since it needs to be effectful.
The two handlers corresponding to receiving and producing processes now can be defined as:
def down[R](p: Prod[Control[R]]) = new Process[R, Prod](p) with Receive {
def receive() = useState {
case Prod(prod) => resume => prod(())(Cons(resume))
def up[R](p: Cons[Control[R]]) = new Process[R, Cons](p) with Send {
def send(n: Int) = useState {
case Cons(cons) => resume => cons(n)(Prod(resume))
Stunning symmetry, isn’t it? :)
Finally, the pipe can be created by connecting up
and down
handle two program fragments using Receive
and Send
def pipe[R](d: Receive => Control[R], u: Send => Control[R]): Control[R] =
down[R](Prod(_ => cons => up(cons) { u })) { d }
Running our above example with pipe
pipe(d => consumer(d), u => producer(u)).run()
// 1: 1
// 2: 2
// 3: 3